Edit Exam Request

This form is used by Faculty to request an exam in the Pollock eTesting lab. If you have any questions about this form, please contact the eTesting support staff at etest@psu.edu

For merged sections, all students from all sections will take the exam during the requested period.

Merged Course 

We prefer that the Emergency Contact information include someone who can make Academic decisions about your exam.

Please configure all exams per course per semester on this page. Please make sure that you check the Testing Center Calendar for availability before requesting a date/time. Requests submitted for dates that are not available will be rejected.

Name Start Finish Length Student Schedule Date Materials LMS Server  
Click on a date in the calendar to select your start date. To deselect a date simply click on the date again.
Please Select a starting date
Any other information you wish to include with your request to the Testing Center staff can be provided above.
Extra information you wish to include in emails that are sent out to students.